How to use “kratom” to treat diseases correctly

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When kratom was legalized and its pros and cons were known, many people started growing. It but did not know that kratom leaves actually have many ways to use them to treat symptoms and diseases. However, there are still people who use kratom incorrectly. Today, we will introduce the correct way to use kratom. Let’s see what they are. 

How to use "kratom" to treat diseases correctly
  1. Cough remedy

          Use 1-2 fresh leaves , boil with brown sugar, drink to relieve cough, or chew fresh leaves, spit out pulp, and drink plenty of water to prevent constipation.

  1. Relieve aches and pains

            Take 1 part each of the following: climbing creeper, makham kai, mawaeng tree, mawaeng khreua, vine kho klan, vine sangwan, Phra In, grass mouse, plant of the galangal plant, senna bark, maka leaves, the pulp inside the pods of 5 cassia trees, 2 parts of kratom leaves, 3 parts of kamphaeng 7 chan vines. Boil and consume before breakfast and dinner, half to one coffee cup each time.

3.Used to treat diarrhea and stomach pain.

  • Chew kratom leaves and drink water afterwards.
  • Boil kratom leaves, add salt and a little brown sugar.
  • Kratom bark, neem bark, tamarind bark, each weighing 50 grams, turmeric root (mature), and galangal root (mature), each weighing 1 each , roasted until cooked , boiled together with lime water and normal water in equal amounts, take 2-3 tablespoons at a time, then stop taking when cured.
  1. Treat diabetes
  • Use all 5 Kratoms (leaves, branches, bark, roots, or use a small Kratom tree, about 1 cubit tall) and chop it up and put it in a pot. Boil and eat 3-5 spoonfuls of curry at a โปรโมชั่น ufabet time, morning and evening.
  • Chew 1 kratom leaf per day for 41 days.
  • Boil kratom leaves , cat’s whisker grass, and dog’s paw hammer in equal amounts. Boil in water 3 times, take 1. Drink 1 tablespoon each time, morning and evening. 
  • Boil kratom leaves, mix with watercress, garlic and garlic vines.

However, even though kratom has been unlocked for food and medicine, there are still legal precautions to take into account, especially when mixing it with other addictive substances. Selling kratom tea in dormitories, educational institutions, and selling food containing kratom to pregnant women and people under 18 years old are all illegal and cannot be done.